About Us
“Lucian Blaga” University Library of Sibiu
Address for correspondence:
“Lucian Blaga” University Library of Sibiu
10 Victoriei Blvd.
550024 Sibiu
Physical address:
2A Lucian Blaga Street, Sibiu
Telephone: 0040-269-446077 and 211056
Fax: 0040-269-441010
E-mail: biblioteca@ulbsibiu.ro
Library web pages:
http://bcu.ulbsibiu.ro – web page
http://biblioteca.ulbsibiu.ro – online catalog
http://digital-library.ulbsibiu.ro/jspui – ULBS Digital Library
Branch libraries:
“Andrei Șaguna” Faculty of Theology Library
Address: 20 Mitropoliei Street
Program: Monday-Thursday: 8-20 ; Vineri: 8-16
On religious holidays: 12-18
E-mail: biblioteca.teologie@ulbsibiu.ro
Library of the Institute of Protestant Theology
Address. 40 Victoriei Blvd.
Program: Monday-Friday: 8-16
Ecumenical Research Center Library
Address: 4 Mitropoliei Street
Program: Monday-Friday: 12-15