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Online Catalog | Library Services | Scientific Databases | Open-Access | Ask a Librarian | Purchase/donation proposal |
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Opening hours:
Monday-Friday: 8-22

Saturday-Sunday: 10-18

Library schedule during the summer vacation: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-8 p.m

- The annual International Conference "Libraries, Knowledge and Information"
organized in Sibiu, on 25-27 April 2024, by the Library of the "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, in partnership with the ASTRA Sibiu County Library and the Bayreuth University Library.

- Access to scientific databases through the new national project AnelisPlus 2023-2025

Direct access to new subscribed resources:

- Periodical publications with subscription in 2024, in print and online format

- Permanent access to Springer eBook collections - Science Books Purchased in 2023

- Full access to the Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL), purchased for 2023

- Access to Digiteca Arcanum , on a subscription basis until December 2024

- Full access to UpToDate, (Wolters Kluwer - medical field)

- Online access to the ebook collection from Edward Elgar Publishing

- Online access to "Complete Anatomy" from Elsevier

University Library on Social Media:

- The Facebook page of the Library, with the latest news from the library.

- Instagram BibliotecaULBS (@bibliotecaulbs)

- The first newsletter of the university library - may 2023

Other Libraries in Sibiu : "ASTRA" - Sibiu County Library | The Library of the "Brukenthal" Museum

L.B.U.S. web site
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The Library of the Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu

Correspondence Address
Victoriei Bvld, nr. 10, 550024, Sibiu
Physical Address:
str. Lucian Blaga nr. 2A, Sibiu
E-mail:; Phone:
0040-269-446077 or 211056
Fax: 0040-269-441010